Thursday, November 7, 2013

Project Meeting Update Nov 7

Hello Green Team,
     Good job everyone at participating and contributing to today's meeting at the library! 
      First of all, Mr. Steve Runnels with the National Weather Service, will be meeting with us at the robotics lab next Wednesday the 13th at 2:00.  We put together a list of questions to email him.

      I mentioned core values, but then had trouble remembering very many of them.  Here they are:

~ We are a team.
~ We do the work to find solutions with guidance from our coaches and mentors.
~ We know our coaches and mentors do not have all the answers; we learn together. (So true on my part!!)
~ We honor the spirit of friendly competition.
~ What we discover is more important than what we win.
~ We share our experiences with others.
~ We display Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition in everything we do.
~ We have fun!

Also, if you haven't looked at the judging rubrix recently, here is a link for it:

Here is what we accomplished today:

We assigned team members to write up descriptions of our meetings with various professionals and post it on our blog. 

Brooke - Intercounty Electric
Luke - Lt. Rick Williams, City of Rolla Emergency Supervisor (that may not be the correct title)
J.L. - Mr. Steve Runnels, National Weather Service
Katie - KRCG weather station field trip.
Additional posts from Ryan about selecting our team name, and Nathaneal explaining how we developed our team's robot.

Brooke - organize tri-fold poster board
Ryan - Flyer to pass out with team info, tornado safety tips, and grab and go bag info.

Everyone - keep thinking about a team name, possibly a candy (lollypop?) to incorporate..

Presentation - 
Nathaneal - Introduction
Salesman - J.L.
Scientist - Brooke
Pig #1 - Ryan - no precautions
Pig #2 - Luke - relies on cell phone app, should he make it or not?
Pig #3 - Katie - prepared,  practices tornado drills, grab and go bag, etc.
Wolf / Tornado - David
We weren't sure if McKenzie will still be with us, so can still include her if so.

Instead of having just one person write the script, we thought we would have each person write a possible script for their character, and then mesh them together.   Bring this to the lab on Monday and we will take about half an hour to discuss it.

Items to find - labcoat, pig ears, tail? wolf / tornado costume
Think about house structure...

See you Monday!
Mrs. Williams

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